Monetiza y genera ingresos_

con tu propiedad amoblada por estadías cortas

Conviértete en un Propietario(a) Anfitrión(a)

Sácale provecho a tu propiedad amoblada y crea experiencias para viajeros, turistas o ejecutivos que necesitan un solución temporal de vivienda por corto, mediano o incluso por largo plazo. En Reenti administramos, operamos y gestionamos Tu Co-Living, Tu Apartamento, Tu Casa Campestre, Tu Finca y otros lugares (spots) donde las personas puedan vivir experiencias agradables, donde tengan todos los implementos necesarios para sentirse como en casa por unos cortos días.

Si vives solo(a) en una casa grande y tienes alcobas libres o tienes una propiedad amoblada y no sabes que hacer con ella, te ofrecemos la mejor alternativa para generar ingresos! Nos encargamos de dejar satisfechos a tus huéspedes!

Pasos para alquilar tu inmueble con nosotros_

1. Analizaremos tu espacio, ambientes y decoracion
Visitaremos tu propiedad para analizar sus ambientes, te asesoraremos para lograr la mejor experiencia de los huéspedes
2. Crearemos contenido multimedia
Crearemos el mejor contenido multimedia en tu propiedad para lograr los mejores resultados y alcance. Nuestros planes incluyen fotos, video y recorrido virtual 360 (con o sin modelado en 3D)
3. Escoge el plan que mejor se adapte a ti
Planes en alquiler, que van desde creación de contenido multimedia hasta pago de servicios públicos
4. Iniciaremos la comercialización de tu inmueble
Previo a tu autorización por medio de un acuerdo de comercialización.
5. Recibiremos a tus huéspedes
En ocasiones también generamos ingreso autónomo o tu los puedes recibir (dependiendo el tipo de alojamiento)
6. Recibe tu dinero puntual
El ultimo dia del mes te transferiremos a tu banco o billetera virtual, tendrás un flujo de caja permanente

Verifica todos los detalles de tus reservas en ReentiDesk

Como Propi Reentier tendrás un panel de control y seguimiento personalizado donde podrás filtrar y ver todos los detalles de las reservas, como países, ingresos, noches ocupadas, indice de ocupación y más…

Portales Inmobiliarios

Contenido Multimedia

14 Septiembre 2023
Place is great, very clean and loved the fact that there was AC. The pool on the rooftop is jaw dropping. Make sure that he gives you the code to access the key before arriving
4 Abril 2023
great place, would return!
30 Marzo 2023
Apartment was perfect the lack of English speakers amongst the staff made things hard but over all a good place
9 Marzo 2023
really special spot
10 Diciembre 2022
Other than the construction across the street, the place was peaceful. The showers don’t get as hot as they do in the US but overall the stay was quite enjoyable.
22 Octubre 2022
Modern and spacious! Very close to the airport and ~15 mins from town. Secure building and rooftop pool. AC works great, two tvs with Netflix, warm water (not hot), and an equipped kitchen. Overall a good stay!
6 Octubre 2022
the whole building is modern and with great amenities. stuff is greaband attentive. The apartment was perfect. comfortable and cozy! fully equipped kitchen. Loved staying here
21 Mayo 2022
Best Airbnb stay ever! Our host José went above and beyond to ensure that we we will informed before our first ever visit to Cartagena. The Airbnb is absolutely gorgeous, very centrally located and super close to the airport. The staff was very respectful of covid 19 safety, very professional and accommodating. We were assisted with finding vegan food for myself, places to visit, and coordinating our covid tests to prepare for our flight. The rooftop is equally as impressive in person as it is in the photos. I will absolutely be back!!!
8 Abril 2022
Overall this was a great stay. Everything was as described and all amenities listed were available. Jose was very prompt with responses before and during my stay and answered my many questions. The front desk staff is incredibly nice and helpful. There are usually taxis outside waiting, so it is easy to get around. The apartment was equip with everything I needed. There is a welcome book with rules and additional details that contain things like how much to expect to pay for things across the street at the beach, which was appreciated. The air conditioner in the living room quit working a couple of weeks into my stay , but was promptly fixed within 48 hours (Sunday is a day of rest or I’m sure it would have been within 24 hrs). Jose was very communicative. The power went out a few times during the last couple of days of my stay due to weather, but I think that is to be expected in the area - the longest it was out was about two hours, the shortest was about 15 minutes. The water was warm, but not hot and the drains are a bit slow but nothing to fuss about. There is not much around the apartment in terms of restaurants/grocery (I used rappi often) or things to do, it was quiet (I am a remote worker) minus the occasionally loud neighbor for a few hours on the weekend. I had zero issues with the internet, the wifi was perfect. The taxi to the walled city / getesmani -is a straight shot down the road & is only about 10 min, and very easy. There is construction on either side of the apartment during the day, however I hardly noticed the sound. People in the area are very friendly. I would recommend Jose to friends and would book again, he is trustworthy and helpful 🙂
22 Enero 2022
If you want a quiet nice place away from tourist noise of Old Town, look no further Host is very responsive to our needs and made sure our stay is without hitch. Many thanks

Preguntas frecuentes

La diferencia entre alquilar y arrendar radica en el tiempo de permanencia de los (arrendatarios, inquilinos, huéspedes). Alquilar se refiere a ocupaciones cortas de días, por ejemplo un fin de semana (corto plazo). Arrendar hace referencia a estancia largas por ejemplo 6 meses, 1 año (largo plazo).

Las propiedades en alquiler deben si o si estar amobladas, por el contrario las propiedades en arrendamiento no necesariamente deben estar asi.

Por publicar y comercializar tu propiedad no cobramos nada. Si se arrienda tu propiedad tenemos 3 planes (Ocupacion, Administracion)

No te cobramos un fee mensual, te cobramos por reserva exitosa (20% o 25%)

El dinero lo recibes en tu cuenta bancaria por medio de transferencia electronica

Tu dinero de arrendamiento lo recibirás máximo el día 10 de cada mes.

Cuando entregamos tu propiedad al nuevo arrendatario realizamos un inventario digital muy riguroso, en este inventario habrá registro fotográfico, materiales, objetos cantidades etc. Así mismo contamos con cobertura de seguro con Airbnb

Actualmente tenemos presencia en Bogotá, Cali, Cartagena y Medellin

Nuestro respaldo

¿Quieres que te llamemos?

Operaremos y cuidaremos tu propiedad como si fuera propia. Será un placer trabajar para ti, lo único en lo que debes preocuparte es en recibir tu dinero a final de mes, contamos con las personas, herramientas y experiencia necesaria para logra dicho objetivo!

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